Wednesday, November 6, 2013

State of the industry

In the digital age, it has been very difficult for businesses to adapt their technology.

Firstly, most businesses a couple years ago hardly used technology at all to keep their customers engaged and to try to increase their market reach/share. Today many third party companies have specialized to offer businesses generic programs or slightly customizable programs. The main problem, is that existing digital solutions have specialized in small niches of customer  relation programs. Solutions are either loyalty programs, customer service efficiency enhancers, couponing systems rating and reviewing services, etc. It is very difficult today for a business to pick and chose his customer relation strategy depending on the offering of a 3rd party app/system.

Most of those solutions are compiled and not customizable at all to the business. Ie, the business needs to adapt it's strategy to the app's features, rather than the logical other way around. Apps should be tailored specifically to suit a business's strategic needs.

Also another major issue facing businesses is that a lot of the proposed solutions do not integrate with your point of sale, or requires you to use their POS often in the form of an app you generally load on a tablet.
The problem is that unless you totally replace the existing POS, or integrate perfectly with their existing POS, the business will probably have to manage two separate accounts/sources for their business accounting, manage stock separately and most of the time make all their business information available to third parties.

Some businesses have begun hiring developers to develop an in-house solution to their business, this generally is expensive and therefor only affordable to very successful businesses or larger chains.

This unfortunately for small businesses drives higher customer relations levels for businesses who financially need it the less.

SME are generally those facing the biggest problem to get their message out, to attract new customers and drive customer engagement.

This is why we believe the company that will be able to turn around the current offering to make sure SMEs get an app tailored to their business  is likely to gain a lot of traction with businesses who want to pick and customize their offerings.

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